This page gets updated throughout the current year with the books I’ve finished. Got a book you think I’d enjoy? Leave the title in the comments!

Want to see the 4 books I think YOU would love this year? Check out the video below the list.

(The links are to Amazon and include a code for my Amazon Associates account.)

  1. How to Pray, by Pete Greig
  2. The Journey, by Wm. D. Braley
  3. A Non-Anxious Presence, by Mark Sayers
  4. Practicing the Way, by John Mark Comer
  5. Small Church Essentials, by Karl Vaters
  6. This Marriage?, by Dave and Lizzy Canales
  7. Living in Christ’s Presence, by Dallas Willard and John Ortberg
  8. Plan Your Year Like a Millionaire, by Rachel Rodgers
  9. Running Outside the Comfort Zone, by Susan Lacke
  10. Putting an X Through Anxiety, by Louie Giglio
  11. Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?, by Preston Sprinkle
  12. Rescuing Ambition, by Dave Harvey
  13. Fire on the Family Altar, by Cheryl Sacks
  14. Your Brain is Always Listening, by Daniel Amen
  15. Multiplication, by Roberto Bottrel
  16. Spiritual Intelligence, by Kris Valloton
  17. The Cure, by John Lynch (re-read)
  18. The Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod
  19. Transition, by Wagner Cavalho
  20. The Righteous Mind, by Jonathan Haidt
  21. Exiles, by Preston Sprinkle
  22. Think Ahead, by Craig Groeschel
  23. Anatomy of the Soul, by Curt Thompson
  24. Renovation of the Heart, by Dallas Willard
  25. anonymous, by Alicia Britt Chole


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